• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
= 三項演算子 =
* 0 と空文字 [#0null] [#v2eef3f9]

= foreach &  =
* 三項演算子 [#ternary]

= 0 と空文字 =
* foreach & [#foreachref]

= $a[0] =
* string と $a[0] [#string0]

= empty =
* empty [#empty]

= isset と array_exists =
* isset と array_exists [#isset]

= array_merge と + と index =
* array_merge と + と index [#array_merge]

= $_GET と . =
* $_GET と . [#get]

= <?php ?> の前後の空白 =
* <?php ?> の前後の空白 [#phptag]

= 文字列と数値 =
* 文字列から数値への変換 [#b8640252]

= php.ini =
* application/xhtml+xml [#h4b15520]

* encoding auto detect [#encoding]

* 循環参照 (過去形?) [#cyclicref]

* ref_count上限 (過去形) [#ref_count]

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