* 種類 [#variety]
- [[Linux]]
- [[FreeBSD]] - [[NetBSD]]
- [[Solaris]]
* シグナル [#signal]
- [[nohup]]
* キー [#key]
- なぜUnix&Linuxではホームディレクトリを「~」文字で表現するのか。
-- %% ttp://www.aivy.co.jp/BLOG_TEST/nagasawa/c/2013/01/unixlinux.html %% ([http://web.archive.org/web/20210417052815/http://www.aivy.co.jp/BLOG_TEST/nagasawa/c/2013/01/unixlinux.html web archive]]
This practice derives from the Lear-Siegler ADM-3A terminal in common use during the 1970s, which happened to have the tilde symbol and the word "Home" (for moving the cursor to the upper left) on the same key.
-- %% ttps://rollmops.wordpress.com/2006/05/01/vintage-computer/ %% ( [http://web.archive.org/web/20221205160750/https://rollmops.wordpress.com/2006/05/01/vintage-computer/ webarchive])
* デーモン [#daemon]
- [[Supervisor]]
- [[crontab]]
* その他 [#q99cf171]
- [[/usr]]
- [[Shell]]
- BSTJ 57: 6. July-August 1978: UNIX Time-Sharing System: Forward. (McIlroy, M.D.; Pinson, E.N.; Tague, B.A.)
-- https://archive.org/details/bstj57-6-1899/mode/1up