• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
  • JPEG_XL へ行く。

[[JPEG]] > [[JPEG_XL]] | [[FUIF]] | [[Pik]]

- https://jpeg.org/downloads/jpegxl/jpegxl-draft_cfp.pdf
- https://cloudinary.com/blog/how_jpeg_xl_compares_to_other_image_codecs

* 実装 [#r022fc67]

- https://gitlab.com/wg1/jpeg-xl

* ブラウザ [#j211fb02]

- Chrome は実験的に入れてみたけどキャンセル?
--  https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1178058#c84

* 提案フォーマット [#m261d64d]

- https://twitter.com/codebeast/status/1123675196383219712

JPEG XL (.jxl) is a new responsive and universal image format proposal. @jonsneyers’s FUIF is one of the proposals in review by the JPEG standard group #ImageCon2019

* サンプル [#jc6de078]

- https://people.csail.mit.edu/ericchan/hdr/hdr-jxl.php

* HDR [#tb4f95c1]

- JPEG XL のHDR画像を作成し iPad の Safari 17 で HDR表示を試した
--  https://trev16.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/09/11/001424

*. [#jc00633f]

- https://github.com/ImageMagick/jpeg-xl

- https://twitter.com/jonsneyers/status/1538446699949174785
Actually lossless jxl can do any integer bitdepth up to 24 bit/channel effectively, including e.g. 10, 12, or 14 bit. It can also do lossless float up to 32bit/channel (including bfloat, float16, fp24 etc).

- 圧縮効率60%向上を目指す新規格「JPEG-XL」策定にむけ技術公募へ
--  http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1075711.html

- [[Brunsli]] (Google)
- [[PIK]] (Google)