• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
  • libjpeg へ行く。


- http://www.ijg.org/

- New jpeg version (8b)
--  http://ufoai.org/forum/index.php?topic=5430.0

- jpeg-9b/libjpeg.txt
 A word about functions *not* provided by the library.  We handle a subset of
 the ISO JPEG standard; most baseline, extended-sequential, and progressive
 JPEG processes are supported.  (Our subset includes all features now in common
 use.)  Unsupported ISO options include:
         * Hierarchical storage
         * Lossless JPEG
         * DNL marker
         * Nonintegral subsampling ratios
 We support 8-bit to 12-bit data precision, but this is a compile-time choice
 rather than a run-time choice; hence it is difficult to use different
 precisions in a single application.

* 高速化 [#la594313]

- [[libjpeg-turbo]]

** SIMD [#qa662b62]

- http://cetus.sakura.ne.jp/softlab/jpeg-x86simd/jpegsimd.html

** idct scaling decode [#k219574e]

- New djpeg -scale N/8 with all N=1...16 feature
--  http://jpegclub.org/djpeg/

* 使い方 [#rbdb1811]
- JPEGファイルの入出力
--   http://www.syuhitu.org/other/jpeg/jpeg.html
- [programing][C/C++][gail] jpeglibの勉強
--  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/MaD/20070302

*. [#i192d38f]

- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/MaD/20070302
- http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Desktop-generic/LSB-Desktop-generic/libjpegman.html
- https://tahoe.ca.sandia.gov/public/VTK-doc/jdapimin_8c-source.php#l00030

// - http://spalab.naist.jp/~yuu-t/wiki/index.php?libjpeg-howto

* ファイルを介さずメモリ上で処理 [#n03d36d3]

- http://yarimit.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2005-06-03
- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mabos/20060720
- http://www.yagoto-urayama.jp/~oshimaya/nbug/etc/using_jpeg.html