• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.


* 開発 [#dev]

- https://developer.apple.com/jp/devcenter/ios/library/documentation/ApplicationDevelopmentOverview.pdf
- iOS Developer  Library
--  http://developer.apple.com/jp/devcenter/ios/library/japanese.html

- [[Xcode]]
- [[Objective-C>ObjectiveC]] | [[NSObject]]
- [[UIKit]] - [[UIView]]

- [[SpriteKit]]

- [[iOS/Video]] | [[iOS/Audio]]
- [[iOS/Network]]
- [[iOS/XML]] | [[iOS/JSON]]

- [[iOS/YouTube]]
- [[iOS/JavaScript]]

- [[TestFlight]]

- iToast
--  https://github.com/ecstasy2/toast-notifications-ios
//--  http://code.google.com/p/toast-notifications-ios/
- iOS Support Matrix
--  https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4lp189clie04ki/iOS_Support_Matrix_AUTUMN2012-2.pdf

- [iOS 7] アプリ開発入門 1からはじめるiOS7 – プロビジョニングプロファイルの作り方
--  http://dev.classmethod.jp/references/generate-provisioning-ios7/

- iOSアプリ開発に役立つTips100連発!
--  http://qiita.com/shu223/items/a895a989e84219e5302e
 『iOSアプリ開発 達人のレシピ100』という本を書きました

- [[CocoaPods]]

* フレームワーク [#framework]

- [[CoreGraphics]]
- [[WKWebView]] (WebKit Framework)
- [[CoreMIDI]]

* 公開 [#xe25ccf3]

- [[AppStore]]

* セキュリティ [#security]

- [[Masque Attack>MasqueAttack]]

* [[iOS4]] [#ios4]

- [[CoreMIDI]]

* [[iOS5]] [#ios5]

- [[CIDetector]]

* [[iOS6]] [#ios6]

- [[iOS6#map]]

* [[iOS7]] [#ios7]

- [[iBeacon]]
- [[Inter-App Audio>Inter-AppAudio]]
- [[NSURLSession]]

* [[iOS8]] [#ios8]

- [[CoreAudioKit]]
- [[MapsConnect]]
- [[HealthKit]]
- [[AVKit]]
- [[ApplePay]]

* [[iOS9]] [#ios9]

* リカバリ [#ra1230a2]

- DFU mode to Restore
--  https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5269891

* 参考 [#ref]

- mixi-inc / iOSTraining
--  https://github.com/mixi-inc/iOSTraining
- 個人アプリの爆速開発を支えてくれたiOSの便利ライブラリを紹介する
--  http://himaratsu.hatenablog.com/entry/gomemo/library
- SQLiteを用いて、iOSで高速全文検索をしよう
--  http://dev.totodotnet.net/post/14115190858/sqlite-ios
- iOSアプリ間連携の実装に x-callback-url を使う
--  http://techlife.cookpad.com/entry/2014/11/14/143841

- ⚡️Brew Sparkling: homebrew for iOS
--  http://mzp.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/09/17/095644

* 関連 [#rel]

- [[iPhone]] - [[iPad]]

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