- 追加された行はこの色です。
- 削除された行はこの色です。
- Shell へ行く。
- UNIX & Linux コマンド・シェルスクリプト リファレンス
-- http://www.geocities.jp/geo_sunisland/
- 【永久保存版】シェルスクリプト完全攻略ガイド
-- https://qiita.com/osw_nuco/items/a5d7173c1e443030875f
- [[Shebang]]
* ノウハウ [#n64be415]
- Tips: 実行中のシェルスクリプトを書きかえるときには
-- https://qiita.com/kitsuyui/items/d0048eeaa50293a92a60
- The first two statements of your BASH script should be…
-- https://ashishb.net/all/the-first-two-statements-of-your-bash-script-should-be/
!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
“set -e” which ensures that your script stops on first command failure. By default, when a command fails, BASH executes the next command. Looking at the logs, you might feel that the script executed successfully while some commands might have failed. Caveat: Be careful about applying it to existing scripts.
“set -u” which ensures that your script exits on the first unset variable encountered. Otherwise, bash replaces the unset variables with empty default values.
“set -o pipefail” which ensures that if any command in a set of piped commands failed, the overall exit status is the status of the failed command. Othe
- bash スクリプトの実行中上書き動作について
-- https://zenn.dev/mattn/articles/5af86b61004bdc