- [[SandyBridge]]
- [[Haswell]]

* CPU [#cpu]

- [[Nehalem]]
- [[SandyBridge]]
- [[Haswell]]
- [[Skylake]]

* ISA [#isa]

- ISA Extensions
--  https://software.intel.com/en-us/isa-extensions

- [[SIMD]]
--  [[MMX]] - [[SSE]] - [[AVX]] - [[FMA]]

* ソフトウェア [#pb72d20b]

- [[IPP]] (高速化関数群)
- [[Ostro]]

- Intel Open Source Technology Center
--  https://github.com/01org
- Intel Corporation 
--  https://github.com/intel

** ツール [#e7d9a0b6]

- A better i7 (and now i3, i5) reporting tool for Linux
--  https://code.google.com/p/i7z/

* 買収 [#joint]

- Intel、QLogicのInfiniBand事業を1億2500万ドルで買収へ
--  http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20120124/379171/
- インテル、マカフィーの買収を完了
--  http://www-.mcafee.com/japan/about/prelease/pr_11a.asp?pr=11/03/02-2
- インテル、インフィニオンの無線ソリューション事業を買収
--  http://www.infineon.com/cms/jp/corporate/press/news/releases/2010/INFXX201008-069.html
- Intel、物理演算処理ソフトのHavok買収
--  http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0709/18/news018.html
- [[Altera]]

* 関連 [#rel]

- [[QLogic]] | [[McAfee]] | [[Havok]] | [[Infineon]]
- [[SIMD]]
- [[ARM]]

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