• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
  • GifOverlap へ行く。

TITLE:GIF Overlap Libary
CENTER:''GIF89a Overlap Libary''
RIGHT:(c) 2008/09/18- yoya@awm.jp


* policy [#policy]

- http://giflib.cvs.sourceforge.net/giflib/giflib/util/gifovly.c inspire
--  i want to commit modifyed gifovly.c as gifovlap.c
- GIF Overlap for PHP ([[gifovlap]])

* function [#func]

- image overlay likely gifovlty.c but GIF89a extended and overlay to overlap
--  no timeline overlay but image overlap
--  transparent overlapping
--  join GIF animation frame timeline

* spec [#spec]

- accept different frame count each GIF image
--  LCM frames animation generated.
- loop each frame count each GIF image

** API [#b3a81d8f]
 gifovlap_t *gifovlap_open(unsigned char *gif_data, int gif_data_len)
 int gifovlap_stack(gifovlap_t *gifovlap, unsigned char *gif_data, int gif_data_len)
 unsigned char *gifovlap_output(gifovlap_t *gifovlap, int *gif_data_len)
 void gifovlap_close(gifovlap_t *gifovlap)

* implementation [#impl]

- split GIF image to frame
- all frame LCM calculation
- frame overlay with timeline t mod F{i} (t=timeline, F=frame count, i=image num) 
- clip screen and dispose = true 

* relative [#rel]

- [[giflib]] | [[GIF]]
- GIF Overlap for PHP ([[gifovlap]])