2024-04-09 qiita opencv imread_grayscale†
- cv2.cvtColorにIMREAD.GRAYSCALEを入れると4chで出力される
2023-12-29 imagemagick bmp v2,v3 ignore ICC profiles†
- When writing BMP to v3 or lower, ignore the ICC profile.
2023-11-19 imagemagick magick -map suspend process†
- The magick command and the -map option suspend processing and do not complete. #6872
2023-08-10 imagemagick Backport ClosestColor†
2023-08-04 imagemagick Backport ClosestColor†
2022-09-17 imagemagick magnify confusing colorspace†
- Fixed magnify confusing colorspaces other than linear-RGB. #5569
2022-08-22 imagemagick modulate colorspace LCH†
- The effect of modulate:colorspace LCH is different for palette and true color images. #5470
2022-07-30 imagemagick DIY Evaluate grayscale†
- Grayscale by FX DIY Evaluate Operator no longer works as documented with ImageMagick 7. #5389
2022-07-17 imagemagick DIY dither†
- DIY dither no longer works as documented #5332
2022-04-10 imagemagick gravity rotate crop†
- Generating an image with diagonal text #5036
2022-01-10 PHP imagick convolveImage†
- fixing to doc comment proto convolveImage #534
2021-12-15 PHP imagick flop†
- imagick flop explanation is mistake. #1204
2021-12-09 ImageMagick BMP info header debug†
2021-11-25 PHP imagick transpose/transverse†
- imagick transpose transverse explanation omits too much. #1143
2021-09-08 tensorflow jpeg†
- TensorFlowからjpeg画像を読み込むとほかのモジュールとちょっと品質が変わるお話
2021-06-08 swftools wav2mono†
- A heapoverflow bug of wav2swf.#47 #1
2021-05-11 ImageMagick convert -type palette†
- convert -type palette reduces colors too much. #3661
2020-11-19 ImageMagick FITS header contains "¥0"†
- The FITS header contains "¥0" since ImageMagick-7.0.10-13
2020-10-14 swftools zlib orig size exactly†
2020-06-29 gif optimize†
2020-06-24 GBR2GRAY†
- imread で取得した画像は BGR 形式なので、cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY の方が良い事があるかもしれません。
2020-05-17 np.clip†
- 試しに np.clip 等で 0〜255の間に収めて様子をみるのも良いかもしれません。
2020-03-25 imagemagick jp2:quality†
- Multi-value of jp2:quality does not work
- Fixed a bug in multi-value of jp2:quality
2020-03-23 imagemagick --with-openjp2†
- configure --with-openjp2 can't switch library path #1869
- [suggestion] configure --with-openjp2 to switch library path #1871
2020-01-20 swftools png†
- fixing to png_load vulnerability #79
2020-01-18 swftools placeobject3†
- Added support PlaceObject3 for swfcombine #78
2020-01-17 swftools gif†
2020-01-16 swftools wav†
- A heapoverflow bug of wav2swf. #47
2020-01-15 swftools png†
- undef boolean/FALSE/TRUE in config.h.in for configure rules. #73
- Strict Bpp verify checking for PNG specifications. #72
2020-01-08 swftools swfbits†
2019-12-25 sepia filter†
- 参照されているセピア変換のサイトの解説は怪しくて、CSS の定義を参照した方がそれらしい画像ができると思います。
2019-12-21 swftools macOS build failed†
- "Inline" should be prefixed with static/external modifier.
- add TRUE/FALSE definitions to configure rules.
2019-12-07 imagemagick libxml/parser.h not found†
- Installation of ImagMagick: fatal error: 'libxml/parser.h' file not found #1426
2019-12-05 adobe lightroom heic bug†
- Lightroom can only import HEIC file created by Apple encoder.
2019-12-03 imagemagick heic adobe†
- Files converted to HEIC do not work in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 and Lightroom Classic 9 #1790
2019-11-28 adobe acrobat pro†
- Stop evil right-bottom clickable rectangle area.
2019-11-12 blueoil runtime image resize bi-linear†
- Fixing to the runtime Bi-Linear Resize. #611
2019-06-03 blueoil runtime image resize change†
- Change the runtime Resize behavior to Pillow-6.0.0
- runtime image resize implementation
2019-02-14 imagemagick gif colormap†
- invalid colormap index error #1477
2019-02-13 imagemagick bmp coding style†
- fit the coding style around. (bmp) #1480
2019-02-10 imagemagick webp version†
- change from WEBP_DECODER_ABI_VERSION to WEBP_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION, because we need encoder feature switch. #1476
2019-02-09 imagemagick bmp profile read†
2019-02-02 imagemagick bmp profile write†
- Supporting to ICC profile embeded BMP writing. #1471
2019-01-31 imagemagick bmp profile write†
- supporting to ICC profile embeded BMP writing. #1467
2019-01-10 hevcesbrowser†
2018-11-19 im7 negate†
2018-10-31 blueoil runtime image resize†
- runtime image resize implementation
2018-10-02 heif†
- 画像ファイルがHEIFやWebPかどうかをImageMagickに依存せずに判定する方法
2018-06-21 imagemagick - gif:frames-limit†
- Proposal: image option "gif:frames-limit" #1180
2018-06-14 tensorflow - palette png grayscale†
- decode_png function. palette png & channels=0, force into grayscale. #20028
2018-06-07 libheif - min_spatial_segmentation_idc†
- wrong padding bits before min_spatial_segmentation_idc
2018-06-06 imagemagick6 - compile error†
2018-04-22 libheif - build for macOS high sierra.†
- build for macOS high sierra.
2018-04-11 hevcesbrowser†
- fixing to pre_lut_num_val_minus1 condition check.
2018-03-18 dtp-discourse†
2017-08-21 php-svg†
- Add rx, ry attributes to SVGRect #29
2017-02-09 imagemagick policy.xml†
- Behavior of policy changed from 6.9.7-7
2015-07-21 goimagick†
2015-06-24 goimagick†
- fixed to memory leak, string array issue. #37
2015-06-23 goimagick†
2013-10-24 yoyamagick†
- Proposal: Quantize Bulk Reduce Acceleration
2013-07-11 imagemagick†
- miscalculation of summarized quantize_error
2012-02-04 php_opengl†
2011-12-17 php_opengl†
2011-10-16 swf†
- flaファイルが無い場合にswfの中身を書き換えたくなった場合の対処法
2011-08-17 php_opengl†
2011-08-02 php_opengl†
2011-07-02 swfed install†
2011-06-04 php_opengl†
2011-03-02 OpenGL†
- OpenGLでの描画結果をBMP保存したい→キー発見
2011-02-08 Python + SW†
- Python + SWFバイナリ解析 その2 : jpeg バイナリ解析
2011-01-11 Python + SWF†
2008-10-09 swfed Lossless2†
- swfedはLossless2(36)もサポートしてるなぁ。
- MikuMikuDanceとやらの説明動画についたコメントを見ていて悲しくなった
- ubuntuからfedoraに変更